Ko-ichiro Yamamoto


Ko-ichiro Yamamoto

Ko-ichiro is the principal trombonist of the Seattle Symphony and the newest member of the Center City Brass Quintet. He was formerly a trombonist with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra for 10 seasons, and also co-principal trombonist of the All-Star Orchestra. Active as a soloist, recitalist, chamber music performer, and clinician, Yamamoto has performed with a wide variety of ensembles including the New York Philharmonic, Metropolitan Opera Chamber Orchestra, and as guest solo principal trombonist of the NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo. Yamamoto has also been guest soloist with orchestras including the Osaka Philharmonic, Tokyo Symphony and the Seattle Symphony, among many others. Born in Tokyo, he began studying trombone at age 12 with his father and went on to study at Juilliard. He is a S.E. Shires performing artist and clinician.  

Learn more at koichiroyamamoto.com.

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